How Gen X Contributes to Multigenerational Collaboration in the Office

A typical workplace hosts all sorts of characters, from fresh, eager graduates to experienced, skilled professionals. With so many different personalities, it’s important to have people who can help everyone unite and overcome their differences. That’s where Generation X comes in. Ranging between the ages of 45 and 60, Gen X brings the experience, pragmatism and open-mindedness needed to foster collaboration across a range of age groups.

Of course, if you really want all generations to thrive, you need more than just good leadership; you also need a good working environment. The right office design enhances communication and teamwork, making it easier than ever for different generations in the workplace to come together. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the Gen X workforce, the important role it plays and how an intentional office design can take your workplace to the next level.

How Gen X Contributes to Multigenerational Collaboration in the Office

Characterized as people born between 1965 and 1980, Gen X makes up a significant portion of the workforce. Despite that, this generation is often overlooked, which has earned it the nickname “The Forgotten Generation.” Many people consider Boomers and Millennials to be more prominent, which means Gen X can often get lost.

Although Gen Xers may be underappreciated, there’s no denying the real-world impact they’ve made, particularly in the workplace. Here are some ways in which Gen X helps foster multigenerational collaboration:

  • Bridging the Communication Gap: Did you know that Baby Boomers make up 15% of the workforce? Gen Z just surpasses Boomers at 18%, while Millennials and Gen X make up the majority at 36% and 31%, respectively. Sandwiched in between these age groups, Gen Xers can help bridge the gap between seasoned Boomers, ambitious Millennials and tech-savvy Gen Z employees.
  • Understanding Different Technologies: Gen Xers grew up with traditional communication methods, then quickly adapted to emerging, digital technologies. As a result, they have a deep understanding of technology and know how to properly integrate it into the workspace.
  • Combining Experience with Flexibility: Considering that the youngest Gen Xer is 45, there’s no doubt that members of this generation bring valuable experience. They’ve also grown up adapting to evolving work environments, which makes them highly flexible and open-minded.

The Importance of Commercial Workplace Design in Supporting Gen X and Other Generations

Having Gen X in the workplace goes a long way toward building a unified, cooperative workplace culture. However, that’s just one part of the equation; for the best results, you also need a quality, purposeful environment. Here are just a few key benefits of a good office design:

  • Improved Comfort: Every individual is different, which is why there’s no universal work environment. The best workspace is one that can adapt to multiple needs, helping ensure that every employee is comfortable.
  • Enhanced Communication: Many roles require consistent communication and teamwork to help achieve results. Having an open, flexible workspace helps employees connect and encourages people to work together.
  • Increased Employee Morale: If your employees are excited about your work environment, their morale will increase. Happier employees lead to improved productivity, higher profits and a better workplace culture.

Designing Office Spaces That Encourage Intergenerational Collaboration

Now that you know the benefits of a good work environment, you’re probably wondering: How do I make my workspace stand out? Here are some inclusive office designs that cater to multiple generations:

  • Flexible Workspaces: There’s no doubt that work environments have changed over the years. Older generations grew up with traditional, private cubicles, while younger generations are more familiar with open-concept areas. Flexible workspaces embrace the best of both worlds by combining these different styles, fulfilling the needs of different generations.
  • Collaborative Zones: One of the best ways to facilitate communication is by having zones specifically designed for collaboration, whether that’s a traditional conference room or a more casual seating area. By implementing these spaces, you’ll encourage brainstorming sessions, team meetings and general socialization.
  • Ergonomic Furniture: Have you ever spent a day working at your desk, only to leave the office with back pain and muscle aches? Chances are, your office didn’t have ergonomic furniture. Put simply, ergonomic workplaces use furniture that promotes comfort and well-being, such as adjustable seating, cushioned chairs and standing desks. Not only does this accommodate the needs of various employees, but it also boosts morale.
  • Seamless Technology: The best workplaces keep up with the times by incorporating emerging technologies, such as video conferencing systems, wireless charging stations, instant messaging platforms and smart lighting. Along with boosting productivity, this technology can help employees stay in touch and build relationships. And, by consistently introducing new tools, you can help ensure that all generations are on the same page.

Choosing the Right Furniture to Support Different Generations in the Workplace

Are you looking for ways to support Gen X and other generations in the workplace? Start by designing an empowering, impactful office space! By incorporating elements such as flexible layouts and ergonomic furniture, you can elevate your environment and make it comfortable for employees of all ages.

At Working Spaces, we have over 25 years of experience in curating excellent, results-oriented workspaces. Our state-of-the-art materials, combined with our personalized customer service, set us apart from the crowd. You can trust us to devise a collaborative, creative office space that supports every generation. Contact us today to learn more!