Shaping the Sunshine State: Working Spaces’ Impact on Florida's Workspaces - An Interview with Brianna Garcia

A Journey into Interior Design

Brianna Garcia, an interior designer at Working Spaces, brings a unique blend of experience and passion to commercial interior design in Orlando, enhancing and elevating the needs of an ever-growing and dynamic market.

Her journey into the world of interior design has been dynamic and inspiring, defined by a pivotal choice to move to Florida.

“It just really hit home for me,” she says of her decision to pursue interior design. Brianna had previously interned at one of the world’s largest entertainment companies headquartered in Orlando.

“The experience opened my eyes to the different types of interior design and industries that need that service — all right here.”

We sat down with Brianna to unpack all the exciting developments hitting the scene in this vibrant city.

Expanding Reach in the Orlando Market

Since joining Working Spaces in September 2023, Brianna has played a crucial role in expanding the company’s presence in the Orlando commercial design landscape. “This career leap has been so rewarding from a client-facing perspective,” she says enthusiastically. “It’s much more than just, ‘Here’s your furniture package,’ and I truly enjoy that. We are truly there for our partners in every possible way we can be.”

Her role often requires her to wear multiple hats, from project manager to designer to salesperson. This multifaceted approach allows her to engage closely with clients, ensuring that their specific needs and requirements are met with tailored design solutions.

Highlighting Unique Projects

One notable project that stands out in Brianna’s recent work is a clinic designed for a healthcare client.

“We recently collaborated with Advent Health, a leading healthcare provider in Orlando, on a transformative project. This endeavor involved designing a clinic tailored specifically for their 65+ demographic, blending elements of comfort, functionality, and spirituality.”

By incorporating local artwork and nature-inspired motifs, we created a serene and healing environment that resonates with Advent Health’s mission of holistic care. Our partnership with Advent Health exemplifies our dedication to creating spaces that not only meet our clients’ needs but also foster a sense of well-being and community within healthcare settings.

“It was about bringing that all into a healing and healthy environment,” she shares.

Embracing Trends and Looking Ahead

Brianna observes that Orlando is often a bit behind the curve when it comes to adopting new design trends. However, she notes a growing interest in sustainability and green building certifications, reflecting a broader industry shift towards more environmentally conscious design practices. “People are getting more and more aware and conscious of our social responsibilities to the world and the environment,” she says.

Looking ahead, Brianna predicts that workplace design trends in Orlando will continue to evolve, with a greater emphasis on minimalism, functionality, and collaborative spaces. “I think we’ll start to see more of a drive towards clean design and more collaborative spaces,” she anticipates. “It’s about teamwork versus hierarchy.”

Brianna is optimistic about the future — both for Working Spaces and the Orlando market. She emphasizes the importance of collaboration and innovation in driving the company’s growth and enhancing its presence in Florida.

Partner with Working Spaces for Orlando Commercial Interior Design

Ready to elevate your Orlando workspace with Working Spaces?

Our team, led by passionate individuals like Brianna Garcia, brings creativity and expertise to every project. From corporate offices to healthcare facilities, we prioritize collaboration to bring your vision to life. With a focus on emerging trends and sustainability, we’re committed to shaping the future of commercial design in Orlando.

Partner with us and transform your workspace today.