by Working Spaces | Jan 24, 2023 | Working Spaces, Workplace Design, Workplace of the Future
Working Spaces had the incredible experience of partnering with DOORWAYS, an interfaith non-profit providing housing, hope, and support to the homeless community in St. Louis living with HIV and AIDS. Founded in 1988, DOORWAYS started as a hospice for HIV patients who...
by Working Spaces | Jan 10, 2023 | Working Spaces, Workplace Design, Workplace of the Future
When you think of furnishing a senior care living facility, a large-scale call center, or a university, it’s impossible to think they each deserve the same approach. That’s because it’s true. Each space, each bedroom, each desk, each classroom—serves a unique...
by Working Spaces | Dec 19, 2022 | Design Trends, Office Design Trends, Office Planning, Working Spaces, Workplace Design
Working Spaces 2022 Projects Unwrapped At Working Spaces, we have many incredible opportunities to meet amazing clients and to collaborate on truly creative transformations. From upgrading furnishings to best serve employees and workforce flow, to completing...
by Working Spaces | Dec 15, 2022 | Company Culture, Holidays, Working Spaces
The Working Spaces team wishes you the blessing of being home for the holidays with your family and friends. Join us in singing along with our special Holiday Choir, led by our very own COO, Tim Carroll. Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays...
by Working Spaces | Dec 13, 2022 | Community, Company Culture, Holidays, Working Spaces
Seasonal Giving with Working Spaces You might think it happens when we first hear those festive tunes on the radio, or when we see our neighborhood businesses and homes install their sparkling lights and decorations. You could guess it involves shots of peppermint...